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EBG Launches Apprenticeship Program with Eliza Bruno as the 2023 Summer Apprentice

The ExperienceBuilt Group is excited to welcome Eliza as our 2023 Summer Apprentice! Eliza is EBG’s first apprentice to kickstart the launch of our Apprenticeship Program. As an apprentice this summer, Eliza plays a fully integrated role on the team and executes research in the field.

Eliza is a student at The Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) studying Business Administration with a concentration in Operations and Supply Chain Management. She first met Tricia, EBG’s Founder, while doing fieldwork for EBG centered around product simulations which piqued her initial interest in User Experience and Experience Research. Her goal this summer is to explore what it looks like to work in user experience and market research to determine if she will pursue a career and further education in the field.

Since connecting with Eliza, Tricia and the team have enjoyed bringing her up to speed on the ExperienceBuilt™ way. About Eliza, Tricia shares:

“We are excited to have Eliza expand her contributions to the team in the newly formed Apprentice role. Experience Research is an approachable way to gain valuable research skills that are broadly adaptable. We look forward to seeing her grow and learn throughout her apprenticeship and carry this experience forward throughout her career.”

Although Eliza is still completing her undergraduate studies, Tricia explains that she adds graduate-level professionalism to the EBG team.

At Georgia Tech, Eliza is involved with Wish for WASH, a nonprofit organization focused on bringing innovation to the global water, sanitation, and hygiene sector. She is on the design thinking team, where she helps to develop and lead workshops that teach design thinking in the context of the organization. On this team, most of the research is qualitative, with the goal of telling stories to bring empathy to the center of design. Her experience with Wish for WASH has deepened her passion for environmental sustainability, which she also applies on campus through a project with Students Organizing for Sustainability.

Eliza is looking forward to bringing her knowledge from these experiences to EBG and continuing to develop her skills. She’s at a great starting point to jump in and help the team in various aspects of our work.

In its inaugural year, the EBG Summer Apprenticeship program was established to create opportunities for aspiring Experience Researchers. EBG is excited to provide students with new insights into experience research and give them the space to put their skills to the test in real-world settings. We are looking forward to growing this program and expanding the hands-on experience research opportunities for students in the future.

We can’t wait to see all of the amazing work Eliza will do!

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